Please see the below instructions for how to change the power source on your 3-way fridge.
Most people like to have their fridge set on the AUTO mode (when the fridge is in AUTO mode a A can be seen on the screen). This allows the fridge to automatically switch between each power source dependent on what is available. This allows the customer to forget the fridge and enjoy their holiday without worrying about changing the fridge each time.
The other option is MANUAL mode. This is when the customer must set the fridge onto each power source every time they move the van/free camp etc. As the name suggests, this is manual and must be done each time. For example, if you are free camping (running on gas) and you pack up to move on, you need to manually change to 12v for use while you drive). If you do not follow this process, the fridge will error as it is manually set to ONLY find gas.
Please note, this process is time sensitive, if you do not press the buttons quickly, the fridge will revert back to it's last setting. We suggest taking the time to go over the process a couple of times before you actually begin the steps, this allows yourself time to familiarize yourself with the location of the buttons etc.
Click here to watch a YouTube movie on how to set your fridge