There can be a couple of things contributing to this issue of icing up – these fridges are not frost free and can ice up in the top RH corner of the fridge being the coldest part – 

  1. It could be a faulty thermistor (623077 part no.) – you could try changing that out. 
  2. Check the door seals – put torch inside fridge face it outwards and shut the door – see if any light is escaping. Which can usually be fixed with an adjustment of the door (lifting it with washers on the hinge) or the door could be bowed. 
  3. Running the fridge too high when there is not ambient to compete with. You might need to turn the temperature down during the night?  - as naturally the temp drops and the fridge won’t have the sun to complete with.
  4. The Fridge still needs manual regulation of temperatures especially when temps drop drastically over night. And maybe even during the day, this milder weather this time of year doesn’t require to have the fridge running on high… also limiting the opening and closing of the door. ** These are not frost free fridges **
  5. Maybe even check the off chance that where the thermistor goes into the back of the fridge the hole where the wires go through are sealed?
  6. Try limited the amount of times and length of time of opening the fridge door. The longer the door stays open, the more hot air can go in and the fridge will then have to regulate itself again to temperature, causing ice to form.
  7. Keep in mind that these fridges are not frost free and work differently compared to a compressor fridge like our fridge at home.
  8. Make sure the vegetable bins are pushed in correctly, sometime it happens that this will cause for the door not to seal properly when they are not pushed in correctly.

Hope this helps. Have a lovely day.