The MK.2 K1520 uses a modular product structure, different to that used on previous models. Part of this design is the door handles are now fitted on the oven line, rather than in the door section. For this reason, the handle is now included as a top level item in the structure, rather that being included as part of the door assembly.
To find which door you would need, you first of all need to look at the product structure of the cooker in either IFS or Thetford Inquire.
In the example below, we can see SCK42140 uses SMAO5060.BK and SMAO5080.BK type doors with an Alps 30 handle (SPCO0362.BNK):
To find a suitable door, we need to use the "Complete Where Used" function in IFS to find an door of the same type, fitted with the correct handle. Using the example above, we would need to find a variant of SMAO5060.BK or SMAO5080.BK using SPC00362.BNK as a handle.
To do this, the easiest way is to search for the handle part number to show a list of all the assemblies and end items which use this as a component part. In the example below, we can see SMAO5060.BK03X uses the correct SMAO5060.BK door with the correct SPCO0362.BNK handle. This is the AM handle for the cooker and the part number which should be used for aftersales and warranty orders:
It is also worth noting that the the same handle may be used on multiple versions of the same door, depending on whether or not cladding is fitted so please make sure that if cladding is listed in the product structure of the appliance, you also choose an aftersales door with cladding too, or vice-versa.